Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Week 1A My Template

Honestly, I had a hard time choosing my template. I wanted something colored as I like rainbow colors. Then I was thinking about something related to my feelings at that moment, but nothing came out. 

Finally, I chose a one that has some books with one of my favorite colors which is turquoise. However, I could not find a way to put some thought into the blog template. If someone knows how to do it please let me know, I will really appreciate it.

It looks pretty with my name in big white letters, organized and ready to be filled for this class. I am excited to see how I will be able to change the themes in every post. It is also interesting that I can modify the themes with different colors and backgrounds.


  1. Hi Giuliana!
    I like the books in the back as it lends the idea to knowledge and all the wonderful ideas you have to share with the class (and world)! Blue and all its shades are my favorite colors, it is a calming color. I look forward to our group work and your future posts. Have a great day!

  2. Hi Giuliana,
    I really like the clean look to your blog theme.

  3. Hi Giuliana!
    I look the books you have. I read you were wanting to know how to customize your theme, how I did it was when I clicked the theme I wanted it pops up with the button customize and I clicked it and it gave me the option to change everything.

  4. I really like the book background that you choose and the color blue that you picked is a very happy color, and it give a good contrast with the font color.

  5. Hello Giuliana,
    I totally love the background picture, it looks very nice and gives you website a professional and friendly look.

  6. I think you made an excellent choice. You have good taste.


Wrapping It Up

Even though I am not having a good time I feel that I learned a lot in this class. The best of all is that I enjoyed learning how to use soc...