- Potential problems from visitors:
I would align the text from the center to the left so visitors can easily read the information following visitors natural E-Reading habit. I would also add a feature where customers can ask questions about the product since it is important to keep contact with the clients when we are selling something. I would also add their social media icons to create a closer connection with their visitors. The pages are long to scroll down so I would prefer if it had a feature that let me go to the top after clicking it on it.
I would align the text at the left to make the webpage easy to read and professional. I would leave more space between the pictures, They are very close to each other and makes the webpage have a messy look. It is hard to see the words under the list of the links that take me to their next pages because they are written with a picture background. I would make the background in one color that contrasts the red color of the words. I would also put them at the top of the page going from left to right instead of in a vertical way because of that way will be more comfortable for the visitors to navigate on the rest of pages.
- What they have done right:
I think they did a good job building this website. I like how the video is related to the service they offer. I think it is easy to read since the welcoming message is align to the left. I like how they put their social media logos, so the visitors are able to click on each one to go to see them. The contrast colors of white under the green background for the text makes it easy to read and navigate to other pages. I can also see the logo at the left of each page, It has the right size that makes a branding impact on the visitors. Also, visitors do not have to scroll down a lot to see the information about the business.
I think this website is well organized. The pictures of the events have a good space between each other, so they do not seem a mess. This website is also colorful which get attract from their visitors. It has different bright colors for the text with a white background that take visitors to navigate to the various pages of the website. At the end of each page, there is an icon that says back to the top, so visitors where visitors can click on it and the page automatically bring them the view to the top of the page. They also have a link that brings visitors to subscribe to receive newsletters from the organization.
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